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Who Said Fishing Was Serious? Series: Are You Really Serious? Book 1Who Said Fishing Was Serious? Here is the best fishing and fireside companion you could ask for. This book is full of short fishing stories that started out serious but turned into funny, gut-wrenching calamities. You will be amazed at the crazy situations that Ed has selected. Focusing on stories that pit the large brained angler against that small pea-brained fish, Ed will have you in stitches as he and his brother take to the challenge. See if you can contain yourself when you read the events that unfold in his short stories. How many times has your own technical assault on those little fish turned into a side-splitting laughing frenzy? Checkout Ed’s special selection of not so serious fishing mis-adventures taken from his many years of fishing for that BIG ONE. Who Said Fishing Was Serious? is a refreshing experience into laughter. See if you can contain yours. See how serious you take fishing after indulging in these stories. Click here to order from Amazon
Who said Growing Old was Serious? Series: Are You Really Serious? Book 2 Here is another of Ed’s Who Said series of humor books, this time giving us his wry look at growing old. Yup, we all get there sooner or later. But can we laugh about it? Here is a great compilation of growing old humor. Ed brings together a great collection of old age funny sayings, crazy one-liners, wisdom about how to grow old with grace from famous people, silly jokes, and a mixture of things that poke fun at this natural process of becoming more and more dysfunctional as the nasty old man and wowan creep in to life. It is all here in one place to keep you in stitches if you can see the humor. The book is anything but a serious look at the dilemma old folks face as things just don’t work the way they used to. It’s all in good fun for you to take a humorous look at your self and others who may also be inflicted with growing old. Click here to order from Amazon
Who said Diving Was Serious? Series: Are You Really Serious? Book 3 Here is another of Ed’s Who Said series of humor books, this time giving us his wry look at the adventures and mis adventures of Diving. Here is a great compilation of short diving stories across the planet that will make you laugh and even wonder about the seriousnes of the sport. Ed will take you to many places diverse in underwater environments and astounding in some of the lessons learned. From dives with mantas, sharks, snakes, and an an incredible variety of sea creatures. Ed will take you on humorous adventures with deep dives, night dives, drift dives, and shallow dives; to places like Hawaii, Mexico, Mozambique, Bahamas, Seychelles, and Dominican, into a variety of situations that will make you question the seriousness of diving. Short stories of the adventures will make you see that this book is anything but a serious look at diving. Bringing together a collection of funny and idiotic situations that can arise, the book is all in good fun for you to take a humorous look at whether you also want to engage in the seriousness of diving. Click here to order from Amazon
Who Said Working Was Serious? Series: Are You really Serious? Book 4 Here is another of Ed’s Who Said series of humor books, this time giving us his wry look at the corporate world and the characters and processes of “incompetence” that will make you wonder why you should treat it as serious. Ed will take you beyond the Peter Principal and into a world of the AQ, or Asshole Quotent that you will recognize immediately in your own working environment. How people rise to their level of futility and incompetence by executing their hilarious tactics will amaze you. Its all about how to keep others in their place and build their own power and stature and it will have you amazed and spell bound. Ed will introduce crazy charaters and unbelivable tactics found in every workplace environment. When you finish this satire (and guide) you will question whether you should treat your working environment as seriousas you may have before. Click here to order from Amazon
Who Said Golfing Was Serious? Series: Are You Really Serious? Book 5 Here is another of Ed’s Who Said series of humor books, this time giving us his wry look at the golfing world that for so many gets much too serious to enjoy. Ed will take you beyond the technology of golfing in a trip around to some unique and strange, even dangerous golf courses in South Africa, Namibia, Canada, and the Caribbean, sharing his experiences. Ed will introduce some crazy characters and some crazier situations that will make you wonder if you aren’t treating your golf games too seriousy. He will take you through a collection of short funny stories where sometimes being too serious is the handicap. It is all in good fun to poke at the contrast between good fun and good scores. When you finish this satire you will question whether you should treat your golf game as serious as you may have before. Click here to order from Amazon
Ed’s Greatest Singalong Songs – Volume 1 Ed’s Greatest Singalong Songs – Volume 1 This singalong song book is my private collection of sing-along songs gathered from the public domain of the Internet. It is a special compilation of my favorites country and folk songs going back many years and it is only here temporarily to get it printed. If you happen to run into this, please feel free to have it printed for your own private use. The book is not intended to be sold for commercial reasons or mass distribution. I have added the guitar chords but I cannot guarantee the words or these chords are completely accurate. This book is for your fun and it contains 154 great sing-along favorites. I have found that when you have a group, and someone who can play guitar, banjo, mandolin or ukulele, (these chord tabs are added in the back) having several copies of this book to hand out makes a fantastic sing-along – and a lot of laughs. Click here to order from Amazon
Ed's Rottenest Songs Ever Ed's Rottenest Songs Ever This “adult” singalong song book is provided for private use and is a compilation of 240 of the best (worst) ballads taken from the most despicable military, rugby, bar and back room songs written. I compiled them for laughs and my own use. It is here temporarily to get printed. All material has been taken from the public domain and the book is not meant for commercial use. If you happen to wander here, and want a copy, please do so at your own peril. It is for your private fun and enjoyment and I do not guarantee the accuracy of the material nor that everyone will like these. I do guarantee, however, that these songs when sung in the right place (whatever that is) will give you fun and laughs. There is a warning, however; some of these ballads are naughty and even vulgar. They are sung at your own risk. I take no responsibility for the outcome, the laughs, the scorn or the aggression that may arise from the use of this “adult” material. Click here to order from Amazon
Ed's Naughtiest Limericks Ever Ed’s Naughtiest Limericks Ever This is another “adult” singalong song book from Ed’s private collection provided for private use and is a compilation of about 1400 of those five-line poems called Limericks. These go back to the 1800’s when they were originally published by Edward Lear. When you pass this book around a campfire or at a sing-along and get everybody to sing one of these, you are sure to get a lot of laughs. There is a warning however, in that these may be funny but by definition, a Limerick can be offensive to some – so sing these at your own risk and discretion! I compiled them for my own use and the book is here temporarily to get printed. All material has been taken from the public domain and fellow friends and the book is not meant for commercial use. If you happen to wander here, and want a copy, please do so. Although I have not included some that are exceptionally crude and distasteful, I take no responsibility for the outcome, the laughs, the scorn or the aggression that may arise when you sing them. Click here to order from Amazon
Rychkun's Laws of AQ'ISM Rychkun’s Laws of AQ’ISM Want a fresh, new humorous look at the business world we all live in? Take a tour of corporate life through Ed Rychkun’s view of his lifetime of climbing corporate ladders. This provocative and hilarious expose’ shows what really goes on behind those boardroom walls. It reveals the flip side of a company’s naked underbelly by showing how people universally conform to laws on how they feel about each other called AQ’ISM – a classification of “Asshole”. Ed examines the social behavior of corporate citizens and develops his universal laws about how this feeling is quantified as an AQ, and how it can have a direct impact on how fast you can climb or fall from the corporate ladder. Ed tells it like it is, revealing how the “real” professionals - the Executives, use a set of secret AQ Arsenals to hide their incompetence - and maintain their positions of power in the corporate hierarchy. You will immediately recognize a similarity with your own situation and derive humor from it. But beware… as one critic points out, “Never was the raw naked truth so aptly expressed as in this earthy examination of the blatantly exposed underbelly of the modern corporation”. Learn how to avoid being a Corporate Asshole! Click here to order from Amazon
Corporations Stripped Naked 1: Exposing the AQ Virus Take a tour of corporate life through former business executive Ed Rychkun's view of his lifetime of climbing corporate ladders. This provocative and hilarious expose' shows what really goes on behind those boardroom walls. It reveals the flip side of a company's naked underbelly by showing how people universally conform to laws on how they feel about each other called AQ'ISM – a classification of “Asshole”. Using his own 30 years of climbing ladders to the top, he exposes how top management falls victim to a viral cross between the Peter Principle and the IQ. Using large Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller enterprises as his stage, Ed relates his first hand experience in maintaining positions of Managers, VP, CEO, Founder, Director, and Chairman. Ed examines the social behavior of corporate citizens and develops his universal laws about how this feeling is quantified as an AQ, and how it can have a direct impact on how fast you can climb or fall from the corporate ladder. Ed tells it like it is, revealing how the “real” professionals - the Executives, use a set of secret AQ Arsenals to hide their incompetence and maintain their positions of power in the corporate hierarchy by making asses of others. You will immediately recognize a similarity with your own situation and derive humor from it. But beware, as one critic points out, “Never was the raw naked truth so aptly expressed as in this earthy examination of the blatantly exposed underbelly of the modern corporation”. Click here to order from Amazon
Corporations Stripped Naked 2: Controlling the AQ Virus. In this sequel to Corporations Stripped Naked 1: Exposing the AQ Virus, Author and former business executive Ed Rychkun brings new light into the Law of Attraction as he takes you deeper into the naked corporation's secret tactical AQ arsenals. He strips companies naked of their professionalism and glamour to bare the Executive and Management tools of power and control that gravitate into a darker side of the AQ virus and a universal phenomenon he dubs the AQ. Using his own 30 years of climbing ladder to the top, he exposes how top management falls victim to a viral cross between the Peter Principle and the IQ. Using large Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller enterprises as his stage, Ed relates his first hand experience in maintaining positions of Manager, VP, CEO, Founder, Director, and Chairman. Find out what really takes place behind closed boardroom doors. Get a new perspective on a naked corporation as Ed reveals what the real experts, the Executives and the Managers, use as universal tactics and tricks called the AQ Arsenals to hide their incompetence and climb the corporate ladders fast; and to maintain order and control. See how you can monitor your progress and avoid the AQ Virus of moving to the dark side of corporate life. Get fresh look on how to avoid and control this virus by utilizing to your advantage the Laws of Cause & Effect, and the Law of Attraction. Click here to order from Amazon
Guide to Salmon Fishing This comprehensive guidebook feature the two hottest areas on Vancouver Island known for productive salmon fishing. The book offers tips on basic equipment, salmon habits, common lures and bait, setting up hooks and rigging, measuring line length and depth, most successful techniques, how to read the water, and where to take your boat. Featured are detailed navigational charts with water depths, and fishing hole characteristics, detailing the most productive holes and fishing tactics. This unique book reveals 30 of the best fishing holes with a full page devoted to a detailed hydrographic chart. Click here to order from Amazon
Trout Fishing: Tactical Secrets of Lake Fishing This unique handbook of fishing strategies presents answers to answer three basic questions; where to fish, what to use, and when to fish. The difference from every other book is that the answers are based on physiology and instincts of fish. The mix of science, practical knowledge and light humor creates an enjoyable, informative combination. No other book so vividly relates the behavioral science to angling tactics. It reveals 26 secrets that help make fishing simple and enjoyable. Each secret ends with “on the water” examples bringing out the funny side of angling. Click here to order from Amazon
195 Lakes of the Fraser Valley Vol 1 This information packed guidebook covers 127 lakes from West Vancouver to Stave Falls in the Lower Mainland around Vancouver. Featured are all the detailed access points, direction maps with distance markers on logging roads plus vehicle access requirements. For campers: detailed maps showing facilities and site layouts. Anglers: water depth contours, fish stocking tables, natural features and best fishing holes. Hikers: detailed trail maps, elevations, interpretive guides, access roads, lookouts and highlights. Backroad explorers: detailed logging road maps, distance markers, and attractions. Boaters: launch areas, shore access, water depth, and beach locations. Trail riders: horse trails, staging areas and parking areas. Picnickers: sites, playgrounds, benches, parking, and facilities. Click here to order from Amazon
195 Lakes of the Fraser Valley Vol 2 This comprehensive guide book of information follows Volume I and covers 68 lakes from Dewdney to Hope, providing all the detailed access points, direction maps with detailed distance markers on logging roads. For campers: detailed maps showing facilities, and site layouts. Anglers: water depth contours, fish stocking tables, natural features and best fishing holes. Hikers: detailed trail maps, elevations, interpretive guides, access roads, lookouts and highlights. Backroad explorers: detailed logging road maps, distance markers, and attractions. Boaters: launch areas, shore access, water depth, and beach locations. Trail riders: horse trails, staging areas and parking areas. Picnickers: sites, playgrounds, benches, parking, and facilities. |
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